Service Area Ilz

True strength comes from calmness

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Rasthof Ilz

In der Ruhezeit liegt die Kraft

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refueling | resting | purchasing | accommodation

We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!

Our logistics site right next to the A2 south highway near Ilz offers everything a (trucker's) heart desires. The bistro in the Spar market pampers the hungry with snacks and savoury meals. In our Spar you can shop at fair supermarket prices 24/7, including Sundays and public holidays. The gas station in the front offers the best quality fuel at excellent prices. You can make your truck shine again in our washing center. The parking lot with a barrier system and video surveillance provides a safe parking space. We welcome drivers to relax in our comfortable rooms after a long journey and recharge their batteries in order to continue it safely. The truck repair center, Walkingfloor center (specializing in self-loading trailers) is located next to the rest area.


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