Eating & shopping

24/7 open


24/7 - Supermarket with bistro

The restaurant on the ground floor next to Spar is open 24 hours a day, and not only hunger-satisfying snacks but also a lunch menu is available.

The cozy bistro in the Spar supermarket is open all day, including Sundays and public holidays. Whether it's a crispy pastry occassionally or a two-course menu, everyone will find something for their taste here. From Monday to Friday, between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m., you can get our particularly affordable lunch menu for just 9.60 euros.

Away from expensive gas stations - shopping at the Spar supermarket for good prices

In our 24-hour supermarket we offer around 30,000 products adapted to everyday needs. Vouchers from Edenred (Ticket Compliments Universal, Ticket Service) and Sodexo (Food Pass, Gift Pass, Premium Pass) are also accepted.

Tax-free meal voucher for entrepreneurs

Did you know that meal vouchers consumed on working days are tax-free up to €4.40 per working day? We are happy to issue you such vouchers so that your employees can eat a wholesome menu at us during their lunch break. Feel free to contact us for more information.

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